PT. Wilson Walton Indonesia (WWI) is engaged by Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) to perform Cathodic Protection Survey and Monitoring for all PHM's area facilities in East Kalimantan. The contract duration for above subject mentioned is started from Januari 1, 2019 until present. The objective of scope of work for this contract is to provide competence cathodic protection certified by local and international personel, measure, monitor, perform data analyze, reporting & recommendation, maintain and repair all PHM's cathodic protection system in order to meet PHM's specifications and/or codes and international standards.
The cathodic protection monitoring and maintenance shall be performed regularly such as check Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) system such as measure and record AC voltage input, AC current input, DC current output, DC voltage output, and record pipe-to-soil potential at drain point with transformer rectifier providing 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of ampere rating. The DC current measurement is also performed in all existing junction positive and negative boxes and all existing test point that using Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection (SACP) system. For SACP, structure-to-electrolyte potential measurements implemented for platform legs, jetty piles, conductor casing, SBM, walkway piles, pipe support, riser, and
all offshore structures section that having cathodic protection system. The soil test, anode groundbed test, isolation joint test are also included for further analyzing the performance cathodic protection system.
Close Interval Potential Survey (CIPS) and Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) and/or Alternating Current Voltage Gradient (ACVG) survey are performed for several onshore and shoreline of pipelines in South, North, and Middle areas.
Current requirement test to obtain cathodic protection current required for the structure being protected is provided for complex structures at Senipah plant by using temporary anodes distributed in surrounding area and external power sources to support the work. The temporary connection from temporary cathodic protection system-to-structure was made using a steel clamp.